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Pontian arowana fish tank Water Parameters for Arowana

+60 12 335 1568

Pontian arowana fish tank Water Parameters for Arowana


arowana fish tank Water Parameters for Arowana

(i).Arowana requires an ultimate water quality to live in. Change water at least once a week about Max 40%. It will be best to change water twice a week (25%-30%),if you have the time. Arowanas sickness mostly is due to bad/dirty water condition!
(ii).Arowana prefers slightly acidic water PH of 6.5-7.5. Use black water extract or "ketapang" leaves which existed in their natural habitat! Always check PH after about 30 mins of water change! One option is buffer the water with coral chips. Any changes to pH should be done gradually!!!.
Small Tips: Ways to Lower and Raise of pH:
Ways to lower pH:
? Filtering water over peat
? Add bogwood to the tank
? Inject carbon dioxide CO2
? Use a commercial acid buffer
? Water changes with softened water or RO (Reverse Osmosis) water
Ways to raise the pH
? Aerate the water, driving off the carbon dioxide (CO2)
? Filter over coral or limestone
? Add rocks containing limestone to the tank or use a coral sand substrate
? Use a commercial alkaline buffer
NOTE*** Do not overfilled these black water! Indirectly it could kill your Arowana as the PH value will be very much softer(if overfilled)!
(iii) Constant Filtration Maintenance - Maintain the heart of the aquatic system constantly through Weekly -monthly (depend on BIOS load) flushing of the filter media. Simply no excuse to skip this.
I believe managing water quality is the key to Aros development. As they say “Keep water good, and the fish becomes good”. Cheers!
I have a question bro.
Weekly - monthly flushing of media would kill the BB, wouldnt it? Granted if use tank water then not all BB would be killed.
Should each flushing be restricted to say 30% of the media and not all media?
>if i do this i ll cry. my beneficiary bacteria will never grow maybe die also plus my plants will die cos no nitrogen cycle.
i rarely wc if i do maybe i do 20-30%. but i only add water weekly abt 6l pail. lazy maybe hehe...
an old timer teach me to use the natural way put a bit of magnesium, potassium n calcium.
>Originally Posted by SY123 I have a question bro.
Weekly - monthly flushing of media would kill the BB, wouldnt it? Granted if use tank water then not all BB would be killed.
Should each flushing be restricted to say 30% of the media and not all media? Bro,
Thanks. Youre right, always use Tank water to flush the media to safe keep BB.
I should phase Weekly/Monthly cleaning/maintenance is a must mandatory thing to be done if simple basic minimum overhead or internal filtration system was selected. And replenishment of Nitrifying Bacteria solution.
For Bros that uisng External Canister filtration system. Sump Tank system and OHF Stacker system are very efficient in filtration, very good in dealing with Nitrifying Bacteria (Biological filtration)and most of all, less disturbance to your Arowana meaning less stress to them! Less cleaning.
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